Dental Implants Back

These are used to replace missing roots and support teeth that have been replaced and can be fixed to the implant(s). Implants are not typically recommended for everyone. They are recommended to individuals with general great health, have healthy gums and enough bone in the jaw to support them. You must be willing to see your dentist or dental specialist several times until the work is complete and you must take extremely good care of them. In addition, implants can be considered a bit pricey compared to other solutions.

It is quite normal to notice that the bone has shrunk if it no longer has teeth to support. Implants best stick to bones, the bone is less likely to shrink. If you have been missing teeth for quite a while, then you probably have lost bone. A bone graft can build up the bone to support the implant. When a bone graft is complete, bone would be added to the area where your jawbone has shrunk. Implants can also be great to support dentures.

Implants are done in 3 steps. The dentist, oral surgeon or periodontist will put a small metal post into the jawbone, over time the post will bond with the bone around it, the post or implant will act like an anchor to hold the false teeth in place. Due to the fact that implants stick to the bone, false teeth are attached to implants to look and act like natural teeth. Implants are not nearly as strong as natural teeth. You must floss your implants very carefully and gently. Be sure to also very carefully floss once a day. Be gentle.