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Tooth decay is an colourless, sticky film that blankets your teeth and creates an environment which bacteria thrives and erodes tooth enamel, causes gum irritation, infects inner structures such as pulp and the roots and in some cases cause tooth loss.

Some of the known trouble makers in causing plaques are foods rich in sugar and carbohydrates including pop-like beverages, some juices, candy and many kind of pasta, breads and cereals. Plaque can also wear down the fillings and other restorations in the mouth which can lead to costly treatment down the road.

Plaque is considered the biggest cause for tooth decay. It also causes gums to become inflamed, irritated and that usually causes them to bleed when flossing. Over time, the decay process might cause your gums to pull away from the teeth, a condition referred to as receding gums. Also, long-term decay can lead to infections in your gums and eat away at the bone structure under the teeth.

Internally, your teeth decay can gradually destroy the inner layer or dentin, pulp, which contain blood vessels, nerves and other tissues and the root. Periodontal disease is advanced gum disease. The condition is so serious and when it occurs the structures that support the teeth; the gums and bone end up breaking down from the infection. Pain, hypersensitivity and bleeding are just a few of the signs of periodontal disease.

To prevent this from happening, we recommend two simple defenses. A well-balanced diet and great oral hygiene. Brush and use fluoride toothpaste, floss regularly and rinse thoroughly. Most public drinking water contains fluoride, if you are unsure of the water supply, then use a good quality mouth rinse containing fluoride.

A great way to maintain your oral health between brushing is chewing sugarless gum; this would stimulate the body's production of saliva, a powerful chemical that actually neutralizes plaque formation and rinses the decay-causing food particles and debris from the mouth.